Whisking, a traditional practice often associated with Nordic saunas. It involves using sauna whisks, also known as ’vihta’ in Finnish. Whisks are typically made out of the birch bundles that are used to gently whip oneself during the sauna session.
Whisking involves three tasks:
- Initially, it causes the heated air below the sauna ceiling to circulate and eliminate the cooler layer of air surrounding the body. This circulation of hot, moist air increases the temperature in close proximity to the skin, promoting profuse sweating. It opens up the pores and facilitates detoxification, allowing for a thorough cleansing of the body.
- As the whisking continues, the strokes effectively remove sweat and grime that accumulate on the skin’s surface. The gentle motion of the whisking aids in the exfoliation of dead skin cells, revealing a brighter and healthier complexion.
- Lastly, the act of waving or whisking brings a soothing, massaging effect to the body.
Birch is the most commonly used type of whisks, known for its pleasant aroma. However, for a change of pace, one can also opt for bundles made from oak, hazel as well as eucalyptus branches. In essence, whisking transforms the sauna experience into a multi-sensory journey that rejuvenates both body and mind, harnessing the powerful benefits of heat, circulation, and touch.